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About Round About

Our Organization

We started in New York City in 2015 with the concept of providing a reliable means to generating revenue on behalf of any companies we believed in. The philosophy that as long as our client "wins" we win directed us to focus on direct forms of marketing. We have experience working in multiple industries and providing multiple directions from telecommunication, pharmaceuticals, utilities, and non-profits. Throughout the years we're proud to say we've generated millions of dollars in donations for our partners and even more in brand awareness. Although we can cater to any client, our non-profit clients have been the most supportive and eager to grow with Roundabout Marketing. 

Our Philosphy

A round about is a type of round intersection that permits the flow of traffic in one direction around a central island, and priority is given to those already in the junction. Its aim is to provide a safe and efficient route to get from a starting point to the destination goal. 

Regardless of how amazing the product or service may be, without exposure to a mass demographic, it will not generate long term value. Round About is here to link your brand to your customers globally in a cost effective way.

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